Introduction History and Memories

Fire and Aviation TV acquired FD AND RESCUE.COM . As of the middle of July 2024 we are working on the new look and finally getting it together. The history and memories are personal for many, and this will always be on top of this page.

September 11, 2001, for millions of Americans and others with this date forever in our minds. Personal also for the owner of Fire and Aviation TV in many ways. Having been there September 10, 2001, and flying out on the last flight that night. To be back at the airport and working the late shift September 11, 2001, where no plane no flight moving or passenger in sight. Planes parked all over the place and nothing but newspaper blowing away in the night. A passion and pride to protect in the fire service. An honor to have served over the years. No matter what the next chapter.

It is about the new generation that now proudly protect as first responders. A new generation either born in 2001 or after that joins the ranks in the Fire service, EMS or Police these days. A new generation that will exceed and learn from us older ones that were taught by those before us too. Traditions and skill set that constantly teach us in training.

Wednesday September 11, 2024, will mark 23 years from that day we will never ever forget. It’s times like these we need to remember and learn from history and memories alike to better ourselves and unite this country. Not to divide or incite violence against each other or even first responders. No January 6 no July 13 its time to turn the negative rhetoric down and respect each other. Let first responders do their job and protect one another.
