Now 2025 Will Wake up Those Responsible
As we begin 2025 one major thing, we have said for years is fire departments are underfunded in many municipalities and cities. Late 2024 Fire and Aviation TV took ownership of this site and we look back at the statement at the very beginning. Those responsible will have to wake up in 2025 and realize what many including ourselves have said!
January 7, 2025, at approximately 10,32am local time in Los Angeles County the first call to a fire that has become the worst ever in history. Budget cuts and funding with fire departments have been an ongoing situation for years.
Fire and Aviation TV founder has volunteered time for a few that dates back to early 2000; s with other departments fighting budget concerns. We review and will revive this site to support what we can with the time we have aside from our company. ALL fire fighters and fire departments deserve the necessary budgets to operate without question.
Editorial Fire and Aviation TV 01/16/25
A Fire Department can be a Volunteer Department or a paid Department. Either way this page will cover both. The logistics and challenges are by far different than each other. Budgets availability and resources all come into play.
The cost to have a fire department in any city or municipality is costly no matter what. There are cities and local politicians that can forget the real value when they look at the costs involved. Before we even begin one thing we always say and remember, Safety First.